af: Line Skouboe
Sales of organic foods in the Danish retail sector has increased by 18% in the first six months of 2016. The result of this is an organic market share of 9,9%.
The upward sloping-curve on sales of organic food in Demark continues to rise. According to a new report from the market research institute Nielsen the sales of organic foods has increased by 18% in the first six months of 2016. Thus the organic market share of the total food sales in the Danish retail sector points 9,9% which is the highest organic market share worldwide. In the neighbour country Sweden, the organic market share is 9%
- With the significant rising demand for organic food the Danes indicate that they by their choice for food take responsibility for the animals, nature and the ground water, says Per Kølster, chairman of Organic Denmark. At the same time he points out that the organic sector is ready to meet the interest for organics.
- The retail sector has made it easier and more interesting for the Danes to choose organics and we see a large range of organic foods and lower prices. And the agricultural sector backs up. At the moment, a whole lot of farmers are converting their production to organics. It is a solid and very positive direction we experience and there is a need for more organic farmers in the future in order to ensure enough organics on the shelves, he says.
Sales of organics in the Danish retail sector has increased for more than ten successive years and the new report also shows that the sales of organics to foodservice has more than tripled in five years. Canteens, restaurants, day care centers, hospitals and other catering centers bought 27% more organics in 2015 compared to the year before. At the same time the export of organic goods almost septuplet in ten years and especially the export of Danish organics to Sweden and Germany is expected to increase in the coming years.