Organics booming worldwide

Organics booming worldwide
Organics booming worldwide

According to a new international report, people are demanding more and more organic products not just in Denmark, but all over the world. Organic Denmark's Export Manager believes that this offers unique potential for Danish organic exports. This very week, 19 Danish organic companies are taking part in an export drive at the world's largest organic trade fair, BioFach, in Germany.

Despite the global recession, organic sales continue their upward trend worldwide, as shown by a new report by FiBL and IFOAM, which monitor the organic market.

World sales of organics have roughly trebled in 10 years. Consumers around the globe spent nearly 63 billion US dollars on organic products in 2011, an increase of 6.6% on 2010.

"The enormous international interest in organics is something that organic companies in Denmark know how to exploit. It is full steam ahead for exports of Danish organic products, which grew by 21% from 2010 to 2011," says Export Manager Klaus Bentzen of Organic Denmark, an association of organic farmers, companies and consumers.

"Denmark has one of the most developed markets for organic food in the world. So Danish companies are well equipped to meet the challenges presented by international markets. Danish organic producers are able to develop international products and adapt Danish successful products to the international market," says Klaus Bentzen.

World's largest organic market share

Denmark is the country where organics enjoy the largest market share in the world, with 7.8% of total food sales in Denmark being organic. And, together with Switzerland, Denmark has the highest organic consumption in the world.

"For Danes, the organic market has established itself as a guarantee of unadulterated food, animal welfare and environmentally friendly production. At the same time, more people want to know the origin of their food, what it contains and how it is produced. All this is more transparent in the case of organic food," says Henrik Hindborg, Organic Denmark's Market Manager.

He points out that sales of organic products in Denmark have seen a growth rate of 21% during the financial crisis.

Publication of the new global figures coincides with participation by 19 Danish organic companies in an export drive at BioFach, the world's largest organic trade fair, which is being held in Germany.

The joint Danish stand at BioFach is being organised by producers' organisation Organic Denmark Export with funding from the EU and the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries' Rural Development Programme. The event is being hosted in cooperation with Organic Denmark.