Organics increasingly popular among Danish catering centres

Organics increasingly popular among Danish catering centres
Organics increasingly popular among Danish catering centres

New research shows that the sales of organics among Danish canteens, restaurants and institutions have been doubled within the last three years. The growing interest in organics has lead to increased focus and a special organic day at the upcoming "Copenhagen Food Fair" in February in Copenhagen.

The sales of organics among catering centres in Denmark has reached almost EUR 134 million, while the overall sales of organics have been doubled within three years, having raised from EUR 61.1 million in 2009 to EUR 123 million in 2012. The research is made by the latest reports of the 15 largest food service companies in Denmark, Organic Denmark, an organisation for organic farmers, businesses and consumers in Denmark and Økosalg og Oplysning, an association of Danish organic producers with subsidy by the EU and the Danish Ministry of Agriculture. The research also indicates that organics are especially popular among canteens and public institutions. In this way, organic sales among catering centres are split up as follows (in per cent):

  • 32 % canteens
  • 33 % public institutions
  • 16 % restaurants and hotels
  • 20 % others

"The sales growth of organics in catering centres means an important step towards more sustainability in this sector. The increasing number of canteens, restaurants and institutions that turn organic help to strengthen the overall organic movement in Denmark and in effect the positive societal outcomes" says Rikke Thorøe Grønning, food service coordinator at Organic Denmark.

She adds, "We have noticed an overall growth of organics in both private and public kitchens. More and more private businesses wish to become more sustainable, which is why they seek to create a green image by implementing organics in their canteens. Also public kitchens are increasingly turning organic, and we expect this trend to grow even further as the Danish government plans to turn 60 per cent of all public kitchens organic by 2020."

Organic focus at the Copenhagen Food Fair

The great interest in organics has lead to an increased focus on organics at the Copenhagen Food Fair, which will be held from 24 - 27 February 2013 at the famous Bella Center in Copenhagen.

At the fair, Organic Denmark organises an exclusive organic area, where about 40 organic companies will present a broad range of organics. In fact, the 26th February will be the official organic day of the Copenhagen Food Fair, which will include a range of activities such as an "organic speed dating", where organic producers and a representative of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration will talk about their passion for organics.

On 27 February, the Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Mette Gjerskov will present restaurants and canteens that have been awarded the Danish Organic Cooking LabelSpisemærke in the categories bronze, silver or gold. At the moment, 343 restaurants and kitchens in Denmark bear an Organic Cooking Label - a label which is awarded to Danish restaurants and kitchens depending on their use of organics.

About the "Copenhagen Food Fair"

The Copenhagen Food Fair (formerly known as TEMA) is a B2B-fair for professionals within the food and gastronomy business, and will be held from the 24 - 27 February 2013 at the Bella Center in Copenhagen. The fair offers various activities such as cooking shows and workshops, and is a meeting point for national and international food businesses.