DAVA Foods
Reward points
DAVA Organic Egg Yolks 230 g
The functionality of pasteurised egg yolks
When cooking and baking the egg yolk can be used as both a smoothing agent and as emulsifier.
As smoothing agent, the egg yolk’s ability to mix or smooth is useful when making e.g. ice cream, mousse, crème brûlée, custard and sauce. As emulsifier, the egg yolk’s ability to emulsify is mainly used when making mayonnaise, bearnaise or hollandaise sauce. When making sauce, keep in mind that the sauce must not boil or it will separate.
Food safety
At DAVA Foods, our business principles are high food safety and quality throughout the entire value chain. We adapt and develop our quality system continuously. For us the quality and safety throughout the entire value chain is crucial - from the day-old chicken till the finished product is in counter.
Organic egg yolks from DAVA Foods
All DAVA organic egg yolks are produced with eggs laid by hens that have access to both indoor and outdoor areas. The stable may hold a maximum of 6 hens per m2 of usable area. The outdoor are must offer at least equivalent to 4 m2 per hen, and most of the soil should be covered in vegetation in order to provide shelter and shade. Organic hens are fed with organic feed and roughage.

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