Gråsten Fjerkræ A/S

Gråsten Fjerkræ A/S is specialist within poultry of the highest quality. The company is especially focused on animal welfare - this brings more taste to the meat as well as better meat quality. Gråsten Fjerkræ markets poultry with focus on more animal welfare as well as organic poultry. Besides this, the company sells charcuterie products.
Gråsten Fjerkræ A/S
Gråsten Fjerkræ A/S, with headquarters in the small southern Jutland town of Kværs close to Gråsten, is a poultry producer and 100% Danish owned. Gråsten Fjerkræ A/S is a family owned business. Gråsten Fjerkræ A/S processes the meat in its own factory. This means full control and thus guaranteeing the highest level of food safety.This company delivers:
Photo coming
CEO: Gunder Jensen

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