Oialla A/S

Oialla chocolate is made of wild, organic beans from cocoa trees growing in the jungle of Bolivia. Oialla is chocolate in the purest imaginable form and the produce is controlled all the way from bean to bar.
Oialla A/S
Oialla begins deep in Amazonas where cocoa fruits grow freely in the wild. With passion, knowledge and care, Oialla turns the wild cocoa into chocolate that is now appreciated by the most talented chefs in the world. The company follows Oialla from bean to bar, from the deepest corner of the rainforest to the finest restaurants in the world, to ensure the pure quality Oialla is known for. There are several varieties of Oialla including 46%, 72%, 78% & 100 %.This company delivers:
Photo coming
Global Sales: Rasmus Bo Bojesen
Email: rbb@oialla.com

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