R2 Agro A/S

We purchase and sell commodities in the EU to help ensure optimum utilisation by distributing the commodities. We believe that we are adding value by increasing the options of purchasing and selling in the EU and by ensuring that the commodities are available where they are needed! To the benefit of both customers and suppliers. We have a large network in the EU, with special focus on Sweden and Denmark.
R2 Agro A/S
Our core competencies are trading in grain and commodities for feed businesses and food companies in the EU. We have a large network in Europe for both conventional and organic commodities. We always buy and deliver directly from suppliers to customers, to ensure minimum transport of the commodities. Our partners ensure that we can almost always offer transport solutions to deliver / pick up the commodity at the right time and in the right location.This company delivers:
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Email: info@r2agro.com

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before our meeting. Booking a meeting is, of course, obligation free.