The Organic Way – The Danish Model

The Organic Way – The Danish Model

Together with The Danish Agriculture & Food Council and Food Nation, we have gathered a range of materials that address organic food companies and organisations, that wish to brand Danish Organics on our export markets. The material illustrates how Denmark’s ambitious organic policies have resulted in Denmark being the country in the world where organic food has the largest market share. The material thereby underlines the organic sector’s positions of strength.

We invite you to use and share the below material.

Please contact us if we can help you build your organic market. 


The magazine, The Organic Way – The Danish Model, illustrates how Denmark’s ambitious organic policies have resulted in Denmark being the country in the world where organic food has the largest market share. The magazine tells the story behind the success of the organic sector and it also takes you through the many positions of strength that characterize the organic sector in Denmark from farm to fork.  

You can use the magazine as a reference for topics of interest or read it page by page and gain an insight into The Organic Way – The Danish Model.

The Magazine is available in English, German, French and Chinese.

Please contact Signe Sigsgaard if you would like to get a hard copy of the magazine. The magazine is free of charge, but postage costs will be charged.





The film gives a thorough overview of the organic sector in Denmark and the organic sector’s positions of strength. 


Here you find a gross collection of slides, which you are free to use in your own presentations about Danish Organics. The slides contain information about the organic sector’s positions of strengths as well as graphs that supports the position of organics in the entire value chain.

Please feel free to use the slides that are useful and relevant for your own presentation. 

The Organic Way – The Danish Model Slides (Download)


We have gathered 14 messages with matching pictures about organics for you to use on social media, if you would like to spread the word behind the success of the organic sector in Denmark.

Confidence and credibility through regulations and control     

Consumers across the world have great confidence in Danish organic food. This is largely attributable to the many rules and regulations that govern all aspects of food production in Denmark and which are monitored by meticulous government control. 


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Organic food from Denmark

Danish consumers are world champions at organic consumption. Denmark has the largest market share for organic food compared to any other country in the world and consumption is growing year by year. 


Danish organic products for consumers across the world 

Denmark is internationally known as a country that produces high quality food products and where food safety is of the highest standard.


Doubling of organic exports 

A high standard of food safety, healthy quality food and a unique organic control system are the main reasons why exports of organic food products have increased year on year. Over the past five years, organic exports have doubled to almost EUR 400 million. 


Organic companies with strong organic credibility

Developments in organic food production in Denmark have been driven by large companies with strong organic credibility as well as the involvement of a great many small and innovative companies. Innovation and responsiveness to consumer trends have transformed Denmark into a world champion in organic food consumption.


Sustainability high on the agenda for organic farmers in Denmark

Danish farmers wish to contribute to the achievement of the UN’s global sustainable development goals. There is, therefore, strong focus on sustainable production and on how sustainability on farms can be improved. 


World champions at organic production

Organic farmers in Denmark have set their sights on becoming world champions at organic production. They are committed to ensuring a living and fertile soil, reducing the climate impact from their production, increasing resource efficiency and creating the best welfare and care for their animals.


Organic beef and milk production 

In organic husbandry it is crucial that the animals are able to express their natural behaviour.

I Denmark organic cattle must have access to pasture from 15th April to 1st November. During the winter, cattle must have access to a winter-housing system that provides freedom of movement. Feed must be 100% organic, most of it must be in the form of roughage and come from the farm’s own pastures. 


Organic pig production  

In Denmark, an organic sow must farrow in an outdoor farrowing hut with access to pasture. The sow builds a comfortable nest and remains with its piglets until they are weaned when they are at least 7 weeks old. 

If an organic pig has been treated with medicine more than once, it can no longer be sold as organic.


Organic research in Denmark

The development of organic production is based on knowledge and innovation. More than 20 years of targetted research into organic farming and food production has contributed to the success of organic production in Denmark - and the research work continues. 


Modern technology and organic farming

Since the use of chemical plant protection is not permitted in organic farming, it can be labour intensive to keep organic fields of vegetables weed-free. Modern technology can be of great help. 

Weed-killing robots reduce time-consuming manual work and therefore free up time that can be spent on developing production. 


Paving the way to success through cooperation

The story behind Denmark’s success as a world leader in organic sales, and effective organic food policy, is a story of high ambitions for organic production, and a story of cooperation.


Organic policy development  

When it comes to organic politics, Denmark is a country of firsts. Danish Organic Policy is a catalyst for organic innovation and growth. 

Denmark was the first country to introduce an organic label, organic rules and public inspections. It was also the first nation to draw up an Organic Action Plan in 1995. Innovative political policy has been a driving force for new knowledge, new markets and development of the organic sector in Denmark. 


Organics and out-of-home consumption 

With annual growth rates of 20%, there has been a significant development in sales of organic food to the food service sector over the past ten years. Organics have a market share of almost 10% in the food service sector, with growth expected to continue.  



Here you can download a master template with messages about organics. Insert your own company logo – and the roll up is ready for print.

Download master template (indd, pdf)

The material is published with support from Fonden for Økologisk Landbrug.