The unique and governmentally certified Ø-label has been very important for the widespread success organic food products have achieved in Denmark, and products that bear the red organic label are today very trusted.
In 1987, Denmark was the first country in the world to implement a state control for organics. The Danish control system is a proof of a unique cooperation between the farmers and companies that produce and process organic products and the state, which ensures control and approval and the governmental control has been a crucial success factor in convincing Danish consumers about organics. Today, organic products that bear the red Ø-label are highly respected.
Products that bear the state controlled organic label are known for:
• Strict regulation of all organic products
• State control from farm to fork
• High standards of food safety
• Reliability of delivery
• High credibility, 98% of the Danish consumers trust the red label
Strict regulations
In both Denmark and countries, we import organic products from, there is a long list of strict regulations that companies need to comply with if they process, pack, label or import organic products. For example, they must ensure that organic products are not coming into contact with non-organic products. If a company disregards this regulation, they can be fined or even lose their entitlement for the distribution of organic products.
Inspection from farm to fork
Organic production takes the greatest possible account of nature, the environment and animal welfare all the way from farm to fork. The Danish red Ø label as well as EU’s green organic logo are your guarantee of organic quality. The red label also guarantees that the regulation for organic production have been complied with.
Only authorities under the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries carry out inspection under the government rules for organic production. The Danish AgriFish Agency inspects the primary production, while the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration inspects food companies. At least once a year, organic producers have inspection visits.
Source: Danish Veterinary and Food Administration: Organic food